Business models and trends

OBD is the abbreviation of the English On-Board Diagnostic, the vehicle diagnostic system". In recent years, OBD and mobile phone APP mode popular. This article will briefly from the function, technology, business model, the development trend of the four aspects, analysis of the OBD car networking model.
A, function
The main functions of the car networking can be divided into: entertainment, road conditions, location, security, condition, insurance, car, car, etc..
Entertainment, road conditions, location, security is the main function of the early stage of the car networking, which is mainly based on navigation, security, including vehicle theft, accident rescue, etc.. After the rise of the mobile Internet, prior to the model based on the main features of the car into the mobile phone.
The rise of the OBD model, the main concern is the two functions of the condition and insurance. Through the OBD interface to the vehicle equipment an insert, read and analyze vehicle data, analysis of the vehicle energy consumption, fault information and other condition, analysis of the driver's driving habits and provide personalized insurance (different driving habits have different risk levels, combined with customer data can be divided into quality grade, and customers according to the quality level to provide different services and premium). Personalized insurance, in professional terms has gone through PAYD (Pay-As-You-Drive), PHYD (Pay-How-You-Drive), UBI (usage based insurance) three stages.
The rise of OBD mode, the first is the traditional car networking function does not have good user stickiness, followed by many traditional functions (entertainment, traffic, location, navigation, rescue) through the intelligent mobile phone can be achieved, so forcing car networking with the car as the center must. Theft, car, car, car insurance and other functions, the need to participate in the car itself, not only to solve some of the owners of the problem, but also greatly enhance the user's stickiness.
Two, technology
Car networking mode OBD system, is mainly composed of OBD terminal, mobile phone and other physical background system, module; in logic, system structure is a typical network, which consists of data acquisition, data analysis, the results show.
At present, the main data collected are OBD, GPS, G-Sensor. OBD data is the most important, must be in the vehicle OBD port is externally connected with a OBD bus and car reading device to resolve vehicle data. GPS and G-Sensor can be integrated with the OBD device, you can also use the phone. Some systems, in order to obtain location information, and no GPS devices, the acquisition of GSM base station data, through the base station location. At present, most of the products in OBD mode do not support G-Sensor.
The communication module is related to the morphology of the OBD device. When OBD, GPS and G-Sensor together, OBD devices will usually integrated GSM module to send the collected data to the back-end system, when the equipment is working independently; when using the mobile phone device, the OBD device is connected to the mobile phone via Wifi or Bluetooth, mobile phone built-in APP by the combination of a variety of data through the GSM, sent to the backend system.
Under normal mode, OBD vehicle equipment according to a certain frequency of data acquisition vehicle, according to another frequency summary report data to the back-end system; the more powerful, it can be for some specific events (the vehicle is the most common fault) to gather the relevant data, or real-time response of the instructions issued under the background system.
The main functions of the background system are three: the original data received by the device, from the data to calculate the condition, driving habits, and response or push the results of the analysis to the phone APP. Among them, the data calculation is the main function, the usual OBD products will say this background calculation is big data, cloud; this is in line with the current trend, at the same time, cloud computing and big data can accelerate the development of this product, landing. Data calculation is not only a problem of algorithm, but also need professional knowledge of automobile.
OBD car networking products, focusing on stability, timeliness, intelligence.
The stability is mainly reflected in the vehicle equipment work ability: do not cause failure of the vehicle, the vehicle will not consume a lot of batteries, all kinds of bumps in various temperature all kinds of radiation environments can normal data acquisition, compensation strategy, arrhythmia and so on in mobile network.
The timeliness, reflected in the various types of user access to information without delay, for example: the child, parents can immediately know that speeding vehicle drivers can get off this trip with the results of the analysis, through the analysis of the data as soon as possible after the 4S shop prompted the owner to avoid trouble, etc..
The intelligence, mainly reflected in the results of data analysis, in the face of different users is readable and accurate, such as fault code, provide to the owners should not be the pile of professional vocabulary, and through the joint analysis of multiple fault codes, solutions and suggestions to inform the owner of the fault degree (not to affect the use the vehicle should not be repaired as soon as possible, driving, etc.).
Three, business model
Different OBD car networking products, they have a lot of features are the same, but its business model may vary greatly. According to the operator to divide the business model, there are mobile Internet model, 4S store model, insurance mode. Car manufacturers have yet to follow up. According to the way to profit, equipment and service fee model, advertising marketing value-added model, free conversion model.
OBD car networking products, the first car networking companies to follow the tide of mobile Internet development. It also accounts for the majority of the current. In the profit model, usually take equipment and service fees, advertising marketing.  Owners buy OBD equipment through the Internet, 4S stores and other channels, after the annual renewals. In mobile APP.
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